6th International Conference – Standards in Tourism

October 31, 2023, Tbilisi, Georgia ​

The Conference will bring together private and public sectors: Travel companies, hotels, associations, NGO’s, representatives of educational industry, Destination Management organization’s and etc.​

Event will be held in The Biltmore hotel, Tbilisi.​


– “Standards in Tourism” is an annual event taking part since 2020;

– An international Platform that invites tourism professionals, to speak about standards and regulations with different perspective;

– Each conference brings together professionals and experts, from all over the world, whom are ready to share their professional experience and knowledge;

-This is a platform where representatives from different sectors of tourism: accommodation, restaurant, education, state, non- governmental organizations, involved people in tourism and many other take part with one same purpose – Caring and Sharing.

– The conference provides great networking opportunities and a wide range of world 


– The event is about standards, regulations and sustainable development;​

​Standards are a set of definitions and guidelines related to the identified field, sectorial practice, point, etc.​

Sustainability can be achieved, only in a regulated market that provides economic security in tourism.​

Standards are supporting and regulating the correct development of the whole industry.​

The role of standards in sustainable tourism development, should include social responsibilities, cultural respect and appropriate management.​

The role of the sustainability component in the standards is to maximize benefits for the environment, business and people.​


The Biltmore Tbilisi Hotel

Date – 31 October 2023

From 09:00 to 17:00